The 5 Ways to Decorate Your Living Room Console Table, several ideas that you can use to make it an unique item and also the center of the attentions.
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You modern console table must be na item that completes your living room, that means that you have to choose items that combine with the other furniture and not only with the console, in this case the white is a color used also in the coffee table so its a base color and combines with everything around.
A fantastic way of decorating a console table is wusing it as a suport for your tv, a idea that is already used over the world, you can integrate your devices in your furniture giving it a modern look and a tech look too.
The simple ways can be the right choice, using a clean and minimalistic look can give the elegante and class look that you been looking for, less sometimes can be more. A luxurious look can be as simple as a great and fantastic piece in the right environment.
A golden look is always a problema for many people. What does combine? What is to much? In this case you should look at the piece that you have and et it shyne on it’s own, let the piece be tha star of the room, with few things in base colors it just adaptes to the environment.
This is good idea, make you room intelectual using it as a bookcase, use it as a storage for your books and see how a simple construction looks diferente, a Creative way to turn you console table in something unique.
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