From 14 to 30 September 2018, The Michelangelo Foundation hosts the “Homo Faber”, a supreme and fabulous showcase of the finest European craftsmanship at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini on San Giorgio Maggiore Island in Venice, Italy.
Luxury furniture is along arts and crafts and many pieces of furniture such as console tables benefit from such events to revive talents and improve the modern interior design industry. The main goal of this showcase is showcasing what human beings can do better than machines. The exclusive event is regarded as the major cultural exhibition dedicated to European craftsmanship and exclusive design. Today, we invite you the see some of the best moments.
From furniture design to jewelry, Homo Faber is exhibiting the finest of European craftsmanship. This event is about exclusive design and is an expression that was first coined during the Renaissance and it captures and celebrates the infinite creativity of human beings, having as a singular undercurrent: what human beings can do better than machines.
See also: Console Craftsmanship Techniques by Boca do Lobo in Homo Faber
Homo Faber offers a great experience, giving visitors a unique opportunity to see the skilled work of craftsmen and women first-hand, showcasing some living room furniture made by hands, exhibiting a lot of ideas for an interior design and for a home décor.
Each exceptional object has been conceived and made by a single creative talent who draws on the traditional techniques and materials of their homeland to create contemporary works.
At Homo Faber, an incredible journey through culture, heritage, landscapes, and history of the continent takes place, you can find contemporary console tables and you can meet two renowned names of the design and architecture worlds, Jean Blanchaert and Stefano Boeri team up to conceive one of the largest room that becomes a journey into the heart of Europe’s finest craftsmanship.
See also: Console Craftsmanship Techniques by Boca do Lobo in Homo Faber