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Get Inspired by Top Living Room Design Trends

When you are lacking fresh ideas for your living room design, here come the design trends. They will inspire you for new living room interior solutions. Let’s discover which colors, materials or styles are popular nowadays in order to understand which of them you will be able to apply to your home!

Abstract living room design

Modern furniture items that are inspired by geometrics and abstract art capture attention and become centerpieces in any interior. Their uniqueness is defined by clean lines, architectural shape, and interesting to observe appearance. You should definitely add such type of furniture to your interior design ideas.

Gold living room design

living room design

We simply could not have missed the trend of gold! It is everywhere: clothes, accessories, furniture items, decor objects, art pieces. You cannot and you should not run from it. Gold has always been a symbol of luxury and opulence. If this is what you want to incorporate in your interior design, then golden details are the right way to do so.

Green forest in the living room design

2019 trends tend to incline to natural colors and materials. Therefore, you should opt for more greens and woods in your living room. It brings in some freedom and peace as well as conveys elegance and exquisiteness – just an ideal mix for your place.

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Cabinets GIF Boca do Lobo

Velvet in the living room design

Velvet is on the rise, and not only in fashion. It was popular a few years ago and now it is back again. For velvet admirers, this is big news. The material is indeed practical, elegant, and refined. There are many ways to apply the trend, in modern furniture pieces or simply in decor objects. For instance, you could have velvet cushions or a modern sofa made of this fabric – whatever you choose will look stylish and graceful.

New vintage for your living room design

If you are tired of everything new and modern, vintage is going to be of great help. As we all know, the trends are recurrent, and vintage, as one of such movements, always returns. Old lamps or shabby sofas – choose your favorite piece and design the whole interior around it. In order to achieve an even better effect and atmosphere, combine vintage objects with luxury furniture.


Coffee Tables GIF Boca do Lobo